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Bjarne Melgaard

Thaddaeus Ropac Marais Gallery
Agenda  /  Exposition Bjarne Melgaard’s expressive paintings, drawings, sculptures and installations have achieved a unique position within the international art world. His characteristic style and provocative themes have made him a controversial, but also highly regarded artist.

Paris openings this week

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Contact(s) - Jérôme Poggi Gallery


Entitled “contact (s)”, the exhibition brings together six young artists whose works question the usual distance required for the perception and representation of things. Without recoiling, working as close as possible to the object they are observing, artists act in the same way to contact with the world and objects.

Jérôme Poggi Gallery
Angels with dirty faces - Les filles du calvaire Gallery

Angels with dirty faces

The first of a series of meditations dedicated to the body’s struggle in crisis stricken contexts, this narrative exhibition associates a film score with texts through which one experiences the vital power of lamentation. A distant echo of blues music. A musical genre whose purpose is an expanding rebellion. The discordant sound of a bottleneck guitar.

Les filles du calvaire Gallery

6 PM → 9 PM


Julie Béna — Destiny

Edouard-Manet de Gennevilliers Gallery



Mark Lewis - Le BAL

Mark Lewis — Above and Below

Focusing on one of the most recent video works by Mark Lewis made in Sao Paolo, the exhibition presents a collection of works which are being shown for the first time in Paris. Mark Lewis explores the questions of perception; in particular attention considered as a sort of counter-economy.

François Fries - Laure Roynette Gallery

François Fries — Que vois-tu du Mont Fuji ?

To tell or share a story, the story of a train crossing the countryside at full pelt, from which, as a passenger, one only retains a fugitive image, or the meanderings of a tourist in a museum, his eyes gliding from canvas to canvas, without really observing any of them, retaining in his memory only snippets, such is the painting of Francois Fries.

Laure Roynette Gallery
Bjarne Melgaard - Thaddaeus Ropac Marais Gallery

Bjarne Melgaard — The Casual Pleasure of Disappointment

Bjarne Melgaard’s expressive paintings, drawings, sculptures and installations have achieved a unique position within the international art world. His characteristic style and provocative themes have made him a controversial, but also highly regarded artist.

Thaddaeus Ropac Marais Gallery
New Frontier IV. Fastes et fragments - Le Louvre

New Frontier IV. Fastes et fragments — Aux origines de la nature morte américaine

(French only) Le Louvre poursuit son exploration de l’histoire de la peinture aux États-Unis. Cette quatrième et dernière édition illustre l’essor progressif de la nature morte au cours du XIXe siècle. Alors que les peintres américains ont trouvé aisément des commanditaires pour les portraits ou les paysages, la nature morte a connu des débuts relativement confidentiels.

Le Louvre
Julie Béna - Edouard-Manet de Gennevilliers Gallery

Julie Béna — Destiny

(French only) La première impression est celle du cadre d’une entreprise. Transparence et réflexion du verre, froideur et âpreté de l’inox brossé, néons de lumière du jour, moquette retenant le son. Des titres de pièces tels que Destiny, Opportunity, Flexibility, une déclaration ou une philosophie, des termes instables aux connotations évidentes.

Edouard-Manet de Gennevilliers Gallery

5 PM → 9 PM


Sans titre ( ) #2 — Cécile Dupaquier, Sebastian Wickeroth — Featuring Guillaume Constantin

Un-Spaced Gallery


6 PM → 9 PM


François Fries — Que vois-tu du Mont Fuji ?

Laure Roynette Gallery


6 PM → 9 PM


Bjarne Melgaard — The Casual Pleasure of Disappointment

Thaddaeus Ropac Marais Gallery


6:30 PM → 9 PM


INSIDE Mobilier XXe et XXIe — Pascale Guerin, Myriam Helard & Corinne Vachon

La Galerie d’Architecture



Grace Weir - Centre culturel irlandais

Grace Weir — The Meta-perception Club

Grace Weir’s films explore the limitations of our visual abilities Working primarily in the moving image, both of Grace Weir’s films on exhibition — “Dust defying gravity” (2004) and “A deep field for the time deaf ”(2007) — explore the limitations of our visual abilities and the instruments we use to enhance them.

Centre culturel irlandais
Canibalia - KADIST


“Canibalia” is a research and exhibition project curated by Julia Morandeira Arrizabalaga around the figure and notion of the cannibal. Gathering artists from North and South America, Portugal and Spain, the exhibition will entail a visual exploration on the anthropophagic subject, together with a programme of events (performance, book launch and seminar).

Sans titre ( ) #2 - Un-Spaced Gallery

Sans titre ( ) #2 — Cécile Dupaquier, Sebastian Wickeroth — Featuring Guillaume Constantin

For three months the online art gallery Un-Spaced is opening a temporary exhibition at 39 rue Chapon. For the exhibition ’Sans Titre () #2’ Un-Spaced exhibits Cécile Dupaquier, Sebastian Wickeroth, featuring Guillaume Constantin with the kind support of the Bertrand Grimont gallery.

Un-Spaced Gallery

2 PM


Nicolas Momein — Coup de pouce, caoutchouc pouce

A tour of the exhibition in partnership with the Université Interâges de Chelles. Free on reservation: / 01 64 72 65 70.

Les églises centre d'art de Chelles


6 PM





6 PM → 9 PM


Intertidal — MBDTCurators

Eva Meyer Gallery


6 PM → 9 PM


Et après ?



8 PM → 9:30 PM


L’art numérique et la recherche

A round table with Emmanuel Mahé, the research director at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Éric Prigent, the teaching director of digital art at Fresnoy, the national studio of contemporary art, Vincent Rioux, head of the digital branch of ENSBA, Paris. The round table will be moderated by Dominique Moulon as the guest curator. Free intr…

Maison populaire



Gianni Caravaggio - Bernard Bouche Gallery

Gianni Caravaggio

New works by Italian artist Gianni Caravaggio are presented at the Bernard Bouche gallery. Born in 1968, he teaches sculpture at Brera Accademy, Milan.

Bernard Bouche Gallery
Ghost of a dream - Paris-Beijing Gallery

Ghost of a dream — Gone the Sun

“Ghost of a Dream” documents and critically explores the futile hopes of contemporary materialist society that is constantly in search of a newer, better life. This New Yorker artist duo, comprised of sculptor Lauren Was and painter Adam Eckstrom mines popular culture for real people’s discarded dreams, such as old lottery tickets…

Paris-Beijing Gallery
Pierre Ardouvin - La maison des arts, centre d'art contemporain de Malakoff

Pierre Ardouvin — Retour dans la neige

For his exhibition, the artist has created an installation present throughout the place, borrowing its title from a short story by Robert Walser, called “Retour dans la neige”. Through this fictional setting, a snowy strolling promenade, we are seemingly offered (but should we believe it?) a cosy cocooned atmosphere.

La maison des arts, centre d'art contemporain de Malakoff
Intertidal - Eva Meyer Gallery

Intertidal — MBDTCurators

On an invitation from Galerie Eva Meyer, MBDTCurators, the curator duo, have created their first collective exhibition. Conceived in the same vein as the work exhibited by artists in preceding exhibitions, ‘Intertidal’ brings together five artists who all sustain a tangible relationship between the line and the surface which supports it.

Eva Meyer Gallery
Aurore Pallet - Isabelle Gounod Gallery

Aurore Pallet — Les Annonces Fossiles

For her second solo exhibition at the gallery, Aurore Pallet invites us on a journey towards an archaic memory where visual, literary and mental images surge from a series of black and white landscapes and drawings in panoramic format.

Isabelle Gounod Gallery
Born And Die #00 - Eric Mouchet Gallery

Born And Die #00 — Chantier{s}

(French only) « Born And Die » est une structure pluridisciplinaire travaillant principalement aux côtés de spécialistes et professionnels de l’Art contemporain, de l’Image, et du Son. Les membres de BAD s’engagent depuis plus d’un an à proposer, par le biais de l’autoproduction, des expositions, des éditions, et des évènements mettant en avant le travail de jeunes artistes.

Eric Mouchet Gallery
Et après ? - ENSAPC YGREC

Et après ?

For the first time, eleven young artists who were at the painting studio ENSAPC between 2009 and 2014 are invited to present their work in several Parisian galleries: the Nathalie Obadia gallery, Placido gallery and l’ENSAPC Ygrec.

Commérages - MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne


Presented at the outset of the project is a text by John Berger on gossip and its ability to create a living portrait of a village which is authored by each person. And in another part, what in ethnography are called stories of intertwined lives, form is given to incidental characters and ways of thinking about the nature of gossip as female speech.

MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne

3 PM


Nicolas Momein — Coup de pouce, caoutchouc pouce

In the presence of Nicolas Momein Free admission

Les églises centre d'art de Chelles


3 PM


Pierre Mabille — Signature

Book signing for the monograph at the gallery on Saturday 7 February, beginning at 3 pm.

Jean Fournier Gallery


3 PM → 7 PM



(French only) Vernissage et lancement de l’ouvrage « Commérages »

MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne


4 PM → 8 PM


Gianni Caravaggio — Frequentare se stesso

Bernard Bouche Gallery


6 PM → 9 PM


Ghost of a dream — Gone the Sun

Paris-Beijing Gallery


6 PM → 9 PM


Pierre Ardouvin — Retour dans la neige

La maison des arts, centre d'art contemporain de Malakoff



Finissage - La Ferme du Buisson

Finissage — Performance de Noé Soulier

3 PM

Noé Soulier’s choreography invokes the philosophic and artistic in order to explore the relationship between movement and thought. By combining the most diverse approaches and discourses, he explores the manner in which we perceive and in which we interpret gestures with several different approaches.

Performance La Ferme du Buisson
Alicia Zaton - Progress Gallery

Alicia Zaton — Finissage de l’exposition

6 PM → 9 PM

(French only) À l’occasion du finissage de son exposition Ferme l’œil, l’artiste Alicia Zaton invite plusieurs musiciens à se produire en live dans l’espace de la galerie. Cette invitation a pour but de créer une confrontation entre les œuvres présentées et la musique. Le dialogue est ouvert.

Event Progress Gallery



Les Jeudi’s - Centre Georges Pompidou

Les Jeudi’s — 7e édition

(French only) Un jeudi par mois le Centre Pompidou propose aux visiteurs une soirée événement dans les collections du Musée national d’art moderne. Ces « Jeudi’s » invitent de jeunes artistes en formation à proposer des performances en résonance avec les œuvres du Musée mêlant danse, musique, arts visuels, spectacle vivant, stylisme ou architecture.

Event Centre Georges Pompidou

6 PM → 9 PM


Les Bourgeois de Vancouver — Denys Arcand / Adad Hannah

Free entrance

Centre culturel canadien

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This is a selection
Pierre Alechinsky - Lelong & Co Gallery Inventer le possible - Jeu de Paume Lives of Performers - La Ferme du Buisson

Pierre Alechinsky — A l’heure qu’il est

Lelong & Co Gallery

Inventer le possible — Une vidéothèque éphémère 2

Jeu de Paume, Concorde

Lives of Performers

La Ferme du Buisson, Centre d’art contemporain
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Latest news French only
À l’occasion de l’exposition « Picturae », proposée par la critique d’art Julie Crenn à la galerie Polaris, le Prix du Chassy(is!) sera attribué pour la première fois. / Hubert Védrine, ancien ministre des affaires étrangères, succèdera en avril prochain à Jean-Noël Jeanneney à la présidence des Rencontres d’Arles. / La 3ème édition des Jeudis Arty aura lieu jeudi 5 février, l’occasion de découvrir en nocturne plus de 40 galeries du Marais. Au programme : vernissages, visites guidées, performances et rencontres avec des artistes. / L’appel à candidature pour la bourse Révélations Emerige est ouvert jusqu’au 31 mars 2015. / Samedi 31 janvier, la Galerie Colbert ouvre à nouveau ses portes au grand public avec une quatrième édition de ses rencontres : Autour des Esclaves de Michel-Ange. Terribilità, inachèvement, espace. / Figure majeure du Land Art, Richard Long sera le deuxième artiste à recevoir le prix Whitechapel Gallery Art Icon. / ...
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