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Benjamin Lignel

NextLevel Gallery
Agenda  /  Exposition The self-conscious bodily add-ons presented by Benjamin Lignel are less concerned with beauty than beautification, in all its silly, wishful and heroic forms: they intend to provide the augmented wearer, with a means to shine in society and connect with his inner royal eagle.

Paris openings this week

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Esprits de Corps - Topographie de l’art

Esprits de Corps

(French only) L’exposition Esprits de Corps présente les œuvres de John Coplans, Pierre Molinier, Catherine Rebois, Miroslav Tichy et Joel-Peter Witkin, démontrant la spécificité et la complexité du traitement photographique du corps, dès lors qu’il reflète les ruptures, les fantasmes et les angoisses qui caractérisent notre rapport au réel aujourd’hui.

Topographie de l’art
Marie Lepetit - Briobox Gallery

Marie Lepetit — Timbre, Espace, Mouvement

(French only) Les rayonnements à la mine de plomb inscrits sur les dessins ne sont pas visibles au loin. Vibrations d’espace, ils apparaissent lorsque précisément nous nous rapprochons. Ces cartographies d’atomes se chargent d’un élément temporel au fur à mesure de leur développement et de fait ces ponctuations d’espace entrent de la sorte en relation — M.P

Briobox Gallery
Diapositives 1958-2002 de Yona Friedman - CNEAI = Centre National Édition Art Image

Diapositives 1958-2002 de Yona Friedman — Scénario d’hiver

(French only) Véritable « exposition immatérielle », Diapositives constitue une collection des travaux de l’artiste. Édité par le Cneai, l’objet réunit près de 300 diapositives de projets de Yona Friedman, pour beaucoup rehaussées directement sur l’image diapo. Organisées par catégorie de travail, ces diapositives documentent ses projets sur plus de 40 ans.

CNEAI = Centre National Édition Art Image

ONS — entre art et science

Drawing from the notion of object-border, ONS, put in place a year ago at Paris Cergy’s École Nationale Supérieure d’Art, is a platform for collaborations and productions between art students and researchers in the fields of art and science. Loosely, its objective is to lead to “productions croisées" (hybrid creations).

Laurence Demaison - Esther Woerdehoff Gallery

Laurence Demaison — Œuvres récentes

(French only) Depuis les années 1990, les photographies de Laurence Demaison contournent le genre de l’autoportrait pour en offrir une vision profondément originale, dans une œuvre à la fois multiple et toujours extrêmement cohérente. Les déformations qu’elle fait subir à son corps et à son visage renvoient à la création d’une altérité qui déroberait sa vraie image.

Esther Woerdehoff Gallery

6 PM


ONS — entre art et science




Basma Alsharif — Yazan Khalili - Imane Farès  Gallery

Basma Alsharif — Yazan Khalili — On Love and Other Landscapes

Basma Alsharif born in Kuwait, lives and works nomadically between the United States, Europe and the Middle East. The subjective experience of statelessness and constant migration is one that informs her work. Yazan Khalili, born in Syria lives in Palestine. He combines in his photography his knowledge and his passion for architecture and design.

Imane Farès Gallery
Kirill Ukolov - Baraudou Schriqui Galerie

Kirill Ukolov — Exposition N°1

(French only) A travers son travail, Kirill Ukolov interroge le rapport qu’une œuvre, généralement sculpturale, entretient avec l’espace architectural ou urbain qui l’accueille, mais aussi comment le spectateur interagit de façon à la modifier ou l’enrichir. Jalonnée d’accidents contrôlés et de contraintes fixées par l’artiste lui-même, sa production est éminemment contextuelle.

Baraudou Schriqui Galerie
Antoine Espinasseau - Florence Leoni Gallery

Antoine Espinasseau — Hall

(French only) Urbaniste, architecte et photographe, Antoine Espinasseau questionne le paysage urbain en tant que lieu de relations et de rituels. Ces œuvres invitent à une promenade entre appropriation personnelle d’un lieu de vie et désir d’évasion vers un ailleurs. Autant de scènes révélant la projection de l’homme sur son territoire et ses matérialités.

Florence Leoni Gallery

6 PM


Basma Alsharif — Yazan Khalili — On Love and Other Landscapes

Imane Farès Gallery



Linder - Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris

Linder — Femme / Objet

The Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris presents the first retrospective exhibition of the work of British artist Linder. Comprised of some 200 works drawn from four decades of practice, this exhibition offers a comprehensive survey of the depth and diversity of Linder’s practice.

Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris
Benjamin Lignel — Guest : Kiko Gianocca - NextLevel Gallery

Benjamin Lignel — Guest : Kiko Gianocca — How do you like me now?

The self-conscious bodily add-ons presented by Benjamin Lignel are less concerned with beauty than beautification, in all its silly, wishful and heroic forms: they intend to provide the augmented wearer, with a means to shine in society and connect with his inner royal eagle.

NextLevel Gallery
Marc Bauer - CCS — Centre culturel suisse

Marc Bauer — Le collectionneur

The collector regroups that which is dispersed. He thus creates order in the universe which surrounds him and establishes his power in grouping objects which belong to him. In this exhibition Marc Bauer focuses on occupied France, in particular the plunder of Jewish possessions by the Nazis.

CCS — Centre culturel suisse
Basim Magdy - CCS — Centre culturel suisse

Basim Magdy — Confronting the Monster in a Monster Costume

Basim Magdy has recently made himself known in France by his participation at the Palais de Tokyo triennial. CCS is presenting “Time Laughs Back at You Like a Sunken Ship”. Shot on super 8, the film takes inspiration from amateur films of the 70s. In the film a character perceives his surroundings through a strange mobile sculpture.

CCS — Centre culturel suisse
Correspondances - Espace culturel Louis Vuitton


In this exhibition, several ramifications of Mail Art will be associated. The first is historical, and gives a major place to pioneering artist Ray Johnson whose work has rarely been shown in France. Johnson invented the New York Correspondence School and at the end of the 1950s began his body of work based on letters to which he asked friends to put finishing touches.

Espace culturel Louis Vuitton
José Lévy - NextLevel Gallery

José Lévy — Oasis Luconoctambule

NextLevel is proud to present a selection of the “Oasis Luconoctambule” series by José Lévy.

NextLevel Gallery
A Stone Left Unturned - Yvon Lambert Gallery

A Stone Left Unturned — Group show curated by Simon Castets

Starting in the early 1970s, Yvon Lambert was the first one to introduce conceptual art and minimal art in France. It is in this precise dynamic that the exhibition establishes itself: not only pursuing the conversation both through contrasts and echoes between these two seminal movements, but also highlighting their present resonance in contemporary art.

Yvon Lambert Gallery

6 PM → 9 PM


Ciné-concert de Marc Bauer & Kafka

At 8, a projection of L’Architecture, Marc Bauer’s animation movie, is scheduled during the opening. The French rock band Kafka will play live. This project is directly inspired by Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922), the masterpiece of Wilhelm Friedrich Murnau.

CCS — Centre culturel suisse


6 PM → 9 PM


The Training — (L’Entraînement)




The Training - KADIST

The Training — (L’Entraînement)

It’s within an economy of means that Zhou Tao trains his eye to roam landscapes, isolating each element in order to engage with a life history. It will take chance and precision to detect another possible order, engendering new relationships between things, people and places.

Reading Dance - CNEAI = Centre National Édition Art Image

Reading Dance — Scénario d’hiver

Bruno Munari has realised a series of images entitled “In search of comfort from an uncomfortable sofa”, which is to be published in the review Domus, in order to illustrate an article focusing on the proliferation and discomfort of chair forms. In this spirit several artists are invited to respond to what, in this series, echoes their work.

CNEAI = Centre National Édition Art Image
Vues d’artistes - Le Louvre

Vues d’artistes — Majida Khattari et Shirin Neshat

(French only) Au mois de février, l’auditorium invite deux femmes artistes qui proposent leur propre vision de la place des cultures de l’Islam dans l’art contemporain : Majida Khattari, plasticienne, peintre et photographe marocaine vivant à Paris, et Shirin Neshat, photographe et vidéaste iranienne.

Le Louvre
Les Facéties d’Armando Romero - Inception Gallery

Les Facéties d’Armando Romero

(French only) Armando Romero est considéré comme un peintre néo éclectique ; il combine des versions de tableaux historiques d’artistes tels que Caravage, Rembrandt, Goya et Bosch, avec des images contemporaines irrévérencieuses, permettant à l’émotion et à la raison de suivre un parcours libre.

Inception Gallery
Mohamed Bourouissa - Kamel Mennour Gallery

Mohamed Bourouissa — All-in

Mohamed Bourouissa does not pretend to deal with the immense and complex network that binds us to money. First and foremost, he seeks to emphasise its attractiveness and its power as a motor and model of integration and success, but also, in a significant dichotomy, the force and violence of its capacity to exclude.

Kamel Mennour Gallery
Shiobhan Liddell - Eric Dupont Gallery

Shiobhan Liddell — Among Ancients

Throught the roman light, arising from other Times that would be those of a furtive and universal poetry, used to levitate the works of Siobhan Liddell. Like in weighlessness, drawings and sculptures of paper underline the air, in an infinite grace and delicacy, light and deep, intently harmonic.

Eric Dupont Gallery
Safâa Erruas - Dominique Fiat Gallery

Safâa Erruas — Anticorps

In Anticorps, her first solo exhibition at the gallery Dominique Fiat, Safaa Erruas’s work is an allusion to silent pain. This theme is developed through various aspects, scientific, but also intimacy, in order to reach the individual and society.

Dominique Fiat Gallery
Bernard Aubertin - Véronique Smagghe Gallery

Bernard Aubertin

(French only) Bernard Aubertin travaille le feu pour produire des œuvres où la place de la trace du temps est très présente. L’artiste se définit ainsi : « je suis un pyromane invétéré. Mon message, c’est le feu. »

Véronique Smagghe Gallery
France Fiction - Patricia Dorfmann Gallery

France Fiction — André du Colombier, Le Mystère est aussi une glace

(French only) Convaincu de l’imbrication de la réalité et de l’imaginaire, le groupe France Fiction — Stéphane Argillet, Marie Bonnet, Eric Camus, Lorenzo Cirrincione et Nicolas Nakamoto — est un processus d’auto-narration dont les objets, les installations et les publications sont signées à la fois individuellement et collectivement.

Patricia Dorfmann Gallery

2 PM → 9 PM


France Fiction — André du Colombier, Le Mystère est aussi une glace

Patricia Dorfmann Gallery


3 PM


Majida Khattari, Voilé-dévoilé

Le Louvre


6 PM → 9 PM


Safâa Erruas — Anticorps

Dominique Fiat Gallery




3 PM


Shirin Neshat, portraits de femmes

Le Louvre



Jin Bo - A2Z Art Gallery

Jin Bo — Exposition personnelle

Working on photographic illusion with a technique that emphasizes movement, the lyricism of light and matter, Jin Bo seems decrypt worlds complex human unconscious with his passions, his dreams, but his inter-Interior, dark and tortured.

A2Z Art Gallery
C L O U D - Yukiko Kawase Gallery


As one of the “ off ” sites of the 9th annual Miniartextil exhibition, Galerie Yukiko Kawase invites five artists from various countries to show their works in the exhibition titled C L O U D inspired by the invisible clouds above us, by the collective spirits and the idea and information sharing, by our isolation or by the question of our survival.

Yukiko Kawase Gallery

6 PM → 8 PM



Yukiko Kawase Gallery

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This is a selection
Hors Pistes - Centre Georges Pompidou Semyon Faibisovich - Almine Rech Gallery Christian Hidaka — Souvenir - Michel Rein Gallery

Hors Pistes — Un autre mouvement des images

Centre Georges Pompidou

Semyon Faibisovich — Moscow & Muscovites

Almine Rech Gallery

Christian Hidaka — Souvenir

Michel Rein Gallery
–  View all the events closing this week

Lastest artists

This is a selection
Paula Castro Olivier Ratsi Mai Tabakian

Paula Castro

Drawing, installation

Olivier Ratsi

Urban art, installation

Mai Tabakian

Installation, sculpture
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Latest news French only
La cité des Arts de Besançon, qui accueillera le Frac Franche-Comté, ouvrira ses portes le 6 avril avec une exposition collective inaugurale, « Des mondes possibles ». / ...
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