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Jean-Michel Othoniel

Emmanuel Perrotin Gallery
Agenda  /  Exposition This fifth personal exhibition of Jean-Michel Othoniel at Galerie Perrotin echoes the exhibition at the Eugène Delacroix museum: " Des fleurs en hiver, Jean-Michel Othoniel, Johan Creten". The artist presents four new monumental sculptures and preparatory watercolours which borrow as much from Brancussi as from the forms and colours of Italian Mannerism or Baroque.

Paris openings this week

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Liu Bolin - Paris-Beijing Gallery

Liu Bolin

An internationally celebrated artist, most known for his camouflage photo-performance series “Hiding in the City”, Liu Bolin will reveal exclusively to the Parisian public his most recent (dating from 2012) previously unseen images taken in China and Paris.

Paris-Beijing Gallery
Vincent Broquaire - Xpo Gallery

Vincent Broquaire — Malleability

The works seem to suggest that if Broquaire is questioning our perception of reality, it would be the virtual and the material worlds.

Xpo Gallery
Ni d’ici ni d’ailleurs - LWS Gallery

Ni d’ici ni d’ailleurs — Un jardin en hiver

This double exhibition is built around Isabelle Taourel’s and Sergei Isakov’s recent works. Under the generic title “Ni d’ici ni d’ailleurs”, Isabelle Taourel follows the line of her series. With “Un jardin en hiver”, Sergei Isakov sharpens and strengthens his personal and timeless vision of the white landscape.

LWS Gallery
Magiciens - Emmanuel Hervé Gallery


Emmanuel Hervé gallery presents an exhibition with : Saâdane Afif, Roxane Borujerdi, Yannick Boulot, James Lee Byars, Robert Filliou, franckDavid, Michel François, Athene Galiciadis, Fernanda Gomes, Ann Veronica Janssens, Rainier Lericolais, Sara MacKillop, Jonathan Monk, Sophie Nys, Nuno Sousa Vieira, Amy Stephens, Derek Sullivan, Maxime Thieffine.

Emmanuel Hervé Gallery
Lily Hibberd - De Roussan Gallery

Lily Hibberd — Les Aimants

“Les Aimants” retraces the evolution and emergence of the sense of infant desire. The photographs used as the basis for the various series are portraits of the artist between the ages of two and thirteen, that evoke memories of her sexual awakening.

De Roussan Gallery
Exposition collective - Galerie Derouillon

Exposition collective

(French only) Pour commencer cette nouvelle année en beauté, Republic Gallery présente sa première exposition collective réunissant les artistes Alexandre Sirvin, Jean-Philippe Illanes, Micky Clément et le Collectif Nøne Futbol Club.

Galerie Derouillon
Jean-Baptiste Caron - 22,48 m² Gallery

Jean-Baptiste Caron — Degrés d’incertitude

In his quest for a point of balance that might extract him from gravity, Jean-Baptiste Caron investigates the physical or mechanical laws relating to the notions of gravity. With the help of a vocabulary that evokes the elusive shift from one state to another, he offers a universe where the slightest flaw, the smallest grain of sand shakes our certainties.

22,48 m² Gallery
Philippe Cognée - Templon Gallery

Philippe Cognée

Philippe Cognée has spent twenty years exploring the possibilities of thinning away the image. He has developed a very specific technique based on a combination of photography and the visual effect created by melting wax painting on canvas. Urban architecture, aerial views, supermarkets are just a few of the themes that capture his imagination.

Templon Gallery
Claire-Jeanne Jézéquel - Jean Fournier Gallery

Claire-Jeanne Jézéquel — Œuvres récentes

(French only) Claire-Jeanne Jézéquel à travers ses dernières œuvres donne à voir et à penser un engagement singulier du questionnement de la sculpture à travers le dessin ou l’esquisse en passant par l’évocation de la peinture à travers la couleur.

Jean Fournier Gallery
Marie Voignier - Marcelle Alix Gallery

Marie Voignier — Les Chasseurs

Marie Voignier’s films reveal a flitting sensation that acts inside uncomplicated boundaries, which falls in with "Cinéma du Réel": the film director let herself go with the flow and shows that she is the first spectator. The heart of the film remains hidden, one static shot after the other — CB.

Marcelle Alix Gallery

3 PM → 8 PM


Noël Cuin — Arrières-Plans

In the presence of the artist

Farideh Cadot Gallery


5 PM → 9 PM


Lily Hibberd — Les Aimants

De Roussan Gallery


6 PM → 10 PM


ni d’ici ni d’ailleurs — un jardin en hiver

LWS Gallery


6 PM → 9:30 PM


Vincent Broquaire — Malleability

Xpo Gallery


6 PM


Exposition collective

Galerie Derouillon


6 PM → 10 PM


Jean-Baptiste Caron — Degrés d’incertitude (Degrees of uncertainty)

22,48 m² Gallery



Ricochet - Galerie municipale  Jean-Collet

Ricochet — Dessins

(French only) « Ricochet » se réalise en oblique, un choix de dessins parfois décalé dont l’angle de vue n’est pas frontal. Le fou avance en diagonale, la gorgone se combat sans être regardée dans les yeux, l’œil jette un regard dans le rétroviseur par anticipation… Il s’agit dans cette exposition de faire l’éloge du détour.

Galerie municipale Jean-Collet
Noël Cuin - Farideh Cadot Gallery

Noël Cuin

The work of Noël Cuin is situated at the juncture of painting, installation and sculpture. This exhibition shows new works by the artist—all exhibited for the first time in Paris—comprising works of small and medium format mixing ’fixed under glass’, photographs, drawings and in situ installations.

Farideh Cadot Gallery

6 PM → 9 PM


Ricochet — Dessins

(French only) Performances de Nicolas Fenouillat et Filip Markiewicz lors du vernissage

Galerie municipale Jean-Collet



Michelangelo Penso - Alberta Pane Gallery

Michelangelo Penso — Hommage à Gaston de Pawlowski

L’art est un mirage utile À propos du travail de Michelangelo Penso “…tant il est vrai qu’il paraît difficile, en certaines matières, de ne point parler de tout à l’occasion de quelque chose….” Gaston de Pawlowski Michelangelo Penso est un artiste discret, pour ne pas dire secret. Même au sein du mon…

Alberta Pane Gallery
Picture(s), David Lefebvre - Zürcher Gallery

Picture(s), David Lefebvre

(French only) David Lefebvre peint des images prélevées au départ dans le flux des images de la vie quotidienne, souvent médiocres en qualité et d’apparence banale. Des images prises « dans le désordre » qui forment le point de départ de tableaux peints à l’huile sur toile. L’artiste cherche, en repoussant les limites, à franchir un hypothétique au-delà de l’image.

Zürcher Gallery
Florence Cantié-Kramer - Rabouan Moussion Gallery

Florence Cantié-Kramer — Unreasonable...

The sculptures of Florence Cantié-Kramer find their meaning through the materials used: they structure the corpus and give it the solitary, raw and poetic edge which characterises it. Lead, wax, neon and words are in constant opposition and respond to each other in unending dialogue.

Rabouan Moussion Gallery
Formes particulaires - Marie Cini Gallery

Formes particulaires

Jérémie Delhome’s series of drawings that are presented at Marie Cini’s gallery is a work made from carbon paper which he used as a pigment by taking a sheet of paper for each successive layer within a stencil cut in tracing-paper sheets. This results in all kinds of imprints, sometimes superimposed, allowing him to play with density and value.

Marie Cini Gallery
Julien des Monstiers - Eric Mircher Gallery

Julien des Monstiers — Supporter la surface

(French only) Isolé sur sa terre, en l’occurence Ris-Orangis et un squatt d’artistes, seul face à son ile et ses planches qui trainent au alentours, Julien Des Monstiers décide de prendre sa propre peinture au mot et de peindre ces planches devenues sols, marquetteries, parquets ici transfigurée en œuvres.

Eric Mircher Gallery
Ennemi public - Magda Danysz Gallery

Ennemi public — Exposition collective

This exhibition asks the question: who is “the Public Enemy” of today? Centered around this question, the works talk about confinement, destruction and vandalism in order to understand and discern “the public enemy” of today. The exibition highlights the strength of art in the service of a moral, social and even political.

Magda Danysz Gallery
Arnaud Vasseux - White Project Gallery

Arnaud Vasseux — Des creux étendus

(French only) Les formes audacieuses, énigmatiques et fragiles des sculptures d’Arnaud Vasseux résultent de la manipulation de matériaux simples, empruntés au catalogue des produits du bâtiment ou de l’industrie légère avec une préférence pour les matériaux « à prises »: plâtre, résine, fibre de verre.

White Project Gallery
La Palude - Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery

La Palude

Luca Cutrufelli’s work is closely linked to the places where he is invited to show and develops in the constant search for a deeper meaning, a point of view as much historico-social as personal.

Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Rock around the bunker (again) - Semiose Gallery

Rock around the bunker (again)

(French only) Aux Beaux-arts, elle séchait les cours de dessin, préférant s’appliquer à détourer des sculptures de mini-golf sur photoshop, sa plus mauvaise note en perspective punaisée au mur de son atelier. Son « Grand Tour », Amélie Bertrand l’a fait le long des stations balnéaires ringardes, du Lunapark rouillé à l’Aqualand moisi.

Semiose Gallery
Johan Creten - Emmanuel Perrotin Gallery

Johan Creten — The Vivisector

Johan Creten discovers the hidden power of earth behind ceramic’s apparent fragility. Johan Creten’s works seem to have escaped from fairytales and become symbolist wonders. They suggest the grottos of the Renaissance, where rules an artificial Nature, Arcimboldo’s and Bernard Palissy’s mannerism and also the curiosity cabinets.

Emmanuel Perrotin Gallery
I’m in Love with the New World - Art : Concept Gallery

I’m in Love with the New World

The End of the World, the Apocalypse, and a subsequent renewal are a few of the reflections proposed by Vidya Gastaldon on the occasion of her exhibition. Inspired and amused by ideas of planetary annihilation that often border on intellectual catastrophe and collective panic, she has set her imagination on what this new world might really look like.

Art : Concept Gallery
Sergey Bratkov - Almine Rech Gallery

Sergey Bratkov — Chapiteau Moscow

“The house I live in, here in Moscow, is situated near the last metro station of the Red line. As I come out of the building, the first people I meet are the Tajik street sweepers. Municipal orange robes, locally sewn Adidas tracksuit pants and worn-out sneakers, they’re pushing around assorted junk in carts fabricated out of discarded baby strollers” — S.Bratkov

Almine Rech Gallery
Semyon Faibisovich - Almine Rech Gallery

Semyon Faibisovich — Moscow & Muscovites

Semyon Faibisovich’s breakthrough came in 1980s with a series of paintings that collectively constituted a portrait of the Soviet era. Unlike the artists associated with Moscow conceptual art, Faibisovich was interested in the visual aspects of the system, the aspects that had not been properly reflected on and articulated.

Almine Rech Gallery
19 rue de Saintonge - Almine Rech Gallery

19 rue de Saintonge — Group show

The Almine Rech Gallery is pleased to present its final exhibition in the rue de Saintonge space, which has been its home for nearly seven years. Entitled 19 rue de Saintonge, the gallery’s address, this exhibition pays its respects to this venue by presenting a selection of gallery artists representative of recent years’ programming.

Almine Rech Gallery
Antoine Roegiers - Praz-Delavallade Gallery

Antoine Roegiers — Les sept péchés capitaux

For his exhibition, Antoine Roegiers presents his latest work, a series of drawings and a video installation inspired by “The Seven Deadly Sins” by Pieter Brueghel, made in the sixteenth century. Mastering pen and ink drawing techniques with the same ease as digital tools, the artist has been engaging in a dialogue with the great masters of Flemish painting.

Praz-Delavallade Gallery
Jean-Michel Othoniel - Emmanuel Perrotin Gallery

Jean-Michel Othoniel — Les Nœuds de Babel

For this exhibition, Jean-Michel Othoniel presents four new monumental sculptures and watercolour sketches inspired by Brancusi as well as the colours and forms of Italian Mannerism to the Baroque, developping the question of the lost body. It’s a matter of creating a volume of absence, constructions with variable dimensions where bodies could nest.

Emmanuel Perrotin Gallery
Pieter Vermeersch - Emmanuel Perrotin – Saint Claude Gallery

Pieter Vermeersch

Pieter Vermeersch photographs the sky, usually at night, sometimes providing information as to the urban context, but without clouds, which might induce an overly narrative quality in the image. These vague, “negative” colours in the photographs are then reproduced in Vermeersch’s new paintings, showing us colour from “the other side of reality.”

Emmanuel Perrotin – Saint Claude Gallery
Giulia Andreani - Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery

Giulia Andreani — [non] si passa la frontiera

“I met his daughter one night in Paris. Sophie Cammilleri told me the story of her father’s family, a story of immigration as there were millions in the 1930s. Very quickly, a collaboration began with her, an exchange of anecdotes and photographs, documents, letters.” — Giulia Andreani

Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Ethan Cook - Jeanrochdard Gallery

Ethan Cook — Felman

Canvas is popularly used by artists as a painting surface, typically stretched across a wooden frame. “Felman” is american artist Ethan Cook’s first solo show in France.

Jeanrochdard Gallery
Je ne prendrai pas de calendrier cette année car j’ai été très mécontent de celui de l’année dernière — Alphonse Allais - Florence Loewy

Je ne prendrai pas de calendrier cette année car j’ai été très mécontent de celui de l’année dernière — Alphonse Allais

To mark our entrance into the New Year, this exhibition sets out to perennialise the ephemeral and dated object, to return the hourglass, to leaf through the grid in reverse, to read and rediscover with a fresh eye those now timeless works, neither obsolete nor premonitory but works to indefinitely revisit.

Florence Loewy
Ian Anüll — Vaclav Pozarek - Bernard Jordan Gallery

Ian Anüll — Vaclav Pozarek — DVA

(French only) C’est la première fois que Ian Anüll et Vaclav Pozarek, deux artistes vivant en Suisse, qui se connaissent depuis 30 ans, exposent ensemble. Ce projet est né de ce dialogue et de cette amitié.

Bernard Jordan Gallery
Céline Guichard & Toshio Saeki - Da-End Gallery

Céline Guichard & Toshio Saeki — Kuro Eden

(French only) Il y a une universalité du fantastique…Et cette nouvelle exposition de la Galerie Da-End le démontre, d’une certaine manière, en éclairant l’étrange relation que Céline Guichard entretient avec le fantastique japonais et en particulier avec l’incroyable tradition des Yôkai.

Da-End Gallery
Matthew Darbyshire, Florence Doléac, Martin Le Chevallier, Julien Prévieux - Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain

Matthew Darbyshire, Florence Doléac, Martin Le Chevallier, Julien Prévieux

Matthew Darbyshires works turn shop-bought domestic comfort into fertile seeds of doubt and discontent, Florence Doléac tributes to Mathieu Matégot, Julien Prévieux thinks out the territorial planning of thought and Martin Le Chevallier examines how people feels their normality.

Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Valérie Jouve - Xippas Gallery

Valérie Jouve — Un Etat

The photographic work of Valérie Jouve has developed around two entities: Humans and landscapes, and more generally the city and its outskirts. Each image is constructed around the notion of an encounter between bodies, whether they are individuals, architectures, or landscape components.

Xippas Gallery
Babak Ghazi - Valentin Gallery

Babak Ghazi — Girlfriend Photos

As well as the casual voyeurism found when surfing the web or flicking through a magazine, Ghazi wants to explore what compels girlfriends to pose and boyfriends to photograph, finding fascination in these images that are often surprisingly poetic with their pre-digital glitches and determined eroticism.

Valentin Gallery
Cœurs Vaillants - Eva Hober Gallery

Cœurs Vaillants — Une proposition de Damien Cadio

Damien Cadio is gathering works by eleven artists who have influenced his art, at Galerie Eva Hober. There are works by Eric Corne, Agnès Geoffray, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Youcef Korichi, David Lynch, Alex Pou, Eric Rondepierre, Matt Saunders, Stéphane Thidet, Kohei Yoshiyuki and Katharina Ziemke.

Eva Hober Gallery
Jean-Claude Ruggirello - Claudine Papillon Gallery

Jean-Claude Ruggirello

Better to inform people who get in the Jean-Claude Ruggirello’s exhibition, the origin of his work, is the sound. There are so many things to discern in this enigmatic puzzle assembling that, the silence, which covers and contains each element of his work until his final design, will be the only component imperceptible here.

Claudine Papillon Gallery

4 PM → 9 PM


Florence Cantié-Kramer — Unreasonable...

Rabouan Moussion Gallery


4 PM → 8:30 PM


La Palude

Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery


4 PM → 8:30 PM


Giulia Andreani — [non] si passa la frontiera

Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery


5 PM → 9 PM


Hommage à Gaston de Pawlowski

Alberta Pane Gallery


5 PM


Arnaud Vasseux — Des creux étendus

White Project Gallery


5 PM → 9 PM


Ethan Cook — Felman

Jeanrochdard Gallery


5:30 PM → 8:30 PM


Semyon Faibisovich — Moscow & Muscovites

Almine Rech Gallery


5:30 PM → 8:30 PM


19 rue de Saintonge — Group show

The Almine Rech Gallery is pleased to present its final exhibition in the rue de Saintonge space, which has been its home for nearly seven years.

Almine Rech Gallery


6 PM → 8 PM


Picture(s), David Lefebvre

Zürcher Gallery


6 PM → 9 PM


I’m in Love with the New World

Art : Concept Gallery


6 PM → 9 PM


Céline Guichard et Toshio Saeki — Kuro Eden

Da-End Gallery

Seuls quelques fragments de nous toucheront quelques fragments d’autrui - Thaddaeus Ropac Marais Gallery

Seuls quelques fragments de nous toucheront quelques fragments d’autrui — Invitation au lancement du catalogue

6:30 PM → 8:30 PM

Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac is delighted to invite you to discover the catalogue for the exhibition “Only Parts of Us…” in the company of the curator, Timothée Chaillou and photographer Pierre Even who presents a personal vision of the exhibition through a portfolio of images.

Event Thaddaeus Ropac Marais Gallery
Nocturno - La Ferme du Buisson

Nocturno — une proposition de Loreto Martínez Troncoso

9 PM

(French only) En clôture de l’exposition « Ent( r )e », Loreto Martínez Troncoso organise un festival nocturne. Elle réunit un ensemble d’invités autour des thèmes qui animent son projet. Écrivains, musiciens, théoriciens, plasticiens et metteurs en scène sont conviés à habiter (ou à hanter) l’espace d’exposition tout au long de la nuit.

Closing La Ferme du Buisson




6 PM → 9:30 PM


Le Tamis et le sable 1/3: Mélodies en sous-sol

Maison populaire

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This is a selection
Retour à l’intime, la collection giuliana et tommaso setari - Lafayette Anticipations Raphaël, les dernières années - Le Louvre Victor Baltard (1805 — 1874) - Musée d’Orsay

Retour à l’intime, la collection giuliana et tommaso setari

Lafayette Anticipations

Raphaël, les dernières années

Le Louvre

Victor Baltard (1805 — 1874) — Le Fer et le pinceau

Musée d’Orsay
–  View all the events closing this week

Lastest artists

This is a selection
Micky Clément Jean Dupuy Werner Reiterer

Micky Clément


Jean Dupuy

Drawing, film

Werner Reiterer

Urban art, drawing
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